This document aims to provide information about interfacing ENCO DAD with SideCAR for purposes of getting ‘now playing’ metadata (PAD) into SideCAR. This method utilizes the send text component of the DAD software suite. This is one of two methods.
First Step
Follow this path to open DADconfig Utility:
Click the file DADconfig.exe
The DADconfig application will open.
In the navigation pane, find SEND_TEXT. You might have to expand the folders on the left side.
Next, in the middle column, we will be looking at RULES2 and S_IO (or alternate SendText Port 'x_IO')
NOTE: You can use any port that isn't being used and has a value of zero attached to it. It doesn’t have to be ‘S_IO’, that is just the default port we use.
Looking at S_IO first, this box will need to be filled with values.
This is the example we are looking at. The next steps will go over what each value stands for. UDP 2008
NOTE: For use with ENCO DAD, the user shall utilize the UDP protocol.
The next value after UDP is the port number. In this example, it is 2008. The port number needs to match the instance details in SideCAR.
The next value after that is the static IP address of the SideCAR machine. In this example it is
Now looking at RULES2, this box will need to be filled with the following values.
If we are using port S_IO, then in the RULES2 port, you input S RULES2.RUL
NOTE: If you were in port P_IO, then in RULES2 port, you input P RULES2.RUL
Next Step
Go to the folder by following this path:
NOTE: if running in Network Mode, the file shall be created in: F:\DAD\Files
Create a new file called RULES2.RUL if one is not already created.
Final Step
Open this file with Notepad: RULES2.RUL
This is an example of what a file will begin to look like as you input each rule.
This is what each line should look like:
[RULE] [MAP GROUP] "<DADgroup>" "<EventType>" [124] <PAD1> [124] <PAD2> [124] "<TranscriptionSemaphore>"
- [RULE]: Each line begins with this
- [MAP GROUP]: This is the type of rule mapping bound to the [GROUP] property
- "<DADgroup>": This is the DAD group that the rule belongs to, such as NEWS
- "<EventType>": This can be customized to whatever you want. It is the category of the event in SideCAR
- <PAD1>: Any library field in DAD, for example: [TITLE] or [ARTIST]
- <PAD2>: Any library field in DAD, for example [AGENCY] or [OUTCUE]
- "<TranscriptionSemaphore>": This is where it says “True” at the end of the line. It determines if the event in that line is going to be transcribed or not. Having is set to “True” indicates that it will get transcribed.
- [124]: This goes before and after <PAD1> and <PAD2>. That function is the ASCII character for the vertical bar: | |
Each line should follow this template:
[RULE] [MAP GROUP] "NEWS" "NEWS" [124] [TITLE] [124] [OUTCUE] [124] "TRUE"
[RULE] [MAP GROUP] "<DADgroup>" "<EventType>" [124] <PAD1> [124] <PAD2> [124] "<TranscriptionSemaphore>"
NOTE: you can copy and paste this code into the new RULES2.RUL file.